Monday, August 25, 2014

3 Year Fit-iversary

I have become a total blog slacker again! In my defense this time of year kills me and I just keep adding to it so now it is more like a busy mom Buffet than a full plate!

So it's been 3 year since I decided my life needed a major change. I feel like my blog has gone from Chasing Angry & Depressed to Chasing Healthy & Fit! I have to say without the help of my hubby jumping on board I don't think I could have accomplished any of it. Even when he takes it way to the extreme and makes he yell "I hate your face" I still appreciate the effort! So I don't have any solid weight or measurements because I am trying to be in a phase of just let my body change and accept that. It's hard, I get on the scale every now and then at the gym. It ranges from 122-125 which I am actually not happy about (yes I am aware most women are reading that and cussing my name right now). I had gained up to about 130 before my braces and then the whole what I can eat part killed my gains and it's been a slow track back up. About 3 weeks ago I was sitting at 18% body fat, which is down from my March measurement of 24% so I was super happy with that. Other than that, I know myself well enough that even post hysterectomy my one remaining ovary still sends me for a hormone-coaster ride when I am not expecting it and it can change my body (especially my mid-section daily). It's probably something I am always going to deal with and why I will never be ok with it, it will NOT defeat me. 

So I am taking the average at 123 lbs.
27.25 Waist
32 Hips (I am growing a butt here!)
11.50 Flexed Bicep ( Welcome to the BBGun Show)

My most recent self improvement is dragging my butt out of bed at 4:45 a.m. 5 days a week. I am not a morning person and GOD BLESS the poor people who have to deal with me! (Gina & Robin are seriously the best workout partners every!) Also I made the big decision to go back to school. I LOVE helping people with their health. Helping someone learn to love themselves is the greatest freaking high in the world! That is what I like about promoting for a MLM. I am just terrible at the marketing gunk! I am emotional, hate public speaking and I cry when I talk about my past! I also am not good at being brand specific. I love to sample company's products and creating stacks that work for me and where I am at today and that usually involves a little of this and a little of that! "That" may also change next week, so when I get approached by friends and acquaintances I am always honored that you think I would be great at selling your product. The truth is I probably wouldn't! 
So for those that ask if I still sell BBVI: My website is still up because I haven't had the time to sit on hold for an hour to shut it off. I am not using or promoting it! Nothing bad to say about it, just one of those my needs changed and so did my supplements. If you are a follower of my blog than you know my theory on "programs" like that or Herbal Life, Advocare, Shakeology,Weight Watchers,etc: If you like them, can afford them, are not harming your body and it works for you.. THAN KEEP DOING IT! 
(Just don't expect everyone to jump on the train with you)
Last grump on this subject: DON'T REP A PRODUCT YOU DON'T USE.  You are seven kinds of shitty if you are selling other people on something you have not or do not use. You see all these "sponsored" athletes these days that you can't trust that they are actually even using that product. Don't paddle up the river in the Douche Canoe!

So after that rant. I have decided to go back to school. I am currently working on my Personal Trainer Certification. I was so flipping excited until the day I got my textbooks in the mail and then I thought what the hell was I thinking! I am managing (aka struggling) but eventually I will get there. After that it's off to the big kid school for either BS Exercise Science or BS Nutrition. Haven't really made up my mind on that one yet, so hey if you have some input shoot me an email! All of this while being an Oilfield Wife and Football/Basketball/Bulldog Mom. Honestly the end game here is to find a career that I am passionate about and that would make up a lapse in income because the Oilfield is ass backwards and when you get an office job you have to take a cut in pay. BIG TITLE less PAY = DUMB!!! But that is what it is going to take to have my hunny on a normal schedule instead of the craziness we have lived for the last decade! It's hard on both of us and some days it gets harder instead of easier! So maybe by the time I am 40 I will have a big kid job to go with my big kid degree!

So there is my Fit-iversary Update. 3 years: It took me 3 years to pull that off, so don't beat yourself up if you haven't accomplished a big goal in a short amount of time. 

Happy Chasing

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