Sunday, April 13, 2014

This Is How We Do It!

First off, if you didn't sing Montell Jordan in your head when you read that title, 

Back to the matter at hand. For some reason I have been getting lots of questions lately. Why people seem to think I am appropriate to ask these I have no clue but I do  always offer my semi-educated opinion and always personal experience insight.
Question One- "How do you do it,get started to lose weight?"
Well all I can tell you is that is up to you. You have to be so completely done with your reflection that you are willing to do what you have to so that it will change. This has to be a deep conversation with yourself. You need to weigh in all your options. Why do you need to do this? Is the question you have to ask yourself and you need to answer it honestly. If you give more than 5 excuses as to why you "can't" then you are not ready. Sure you might lose weight but keeping it off has to be your end game. 

Question two- "How to you keep it off?"
Well it is a lifestyle change. You hear people say that all the time and it sounds really trivial but it is honestly the truth. You have to change. Which is hard for most of us. Habits are hard things to break, especially if you have negative influences around you. I know for a fact that people who knew me 5 years ago probably think I am bat shit cray cray. I didn't work out, I drank excessively, dang sure didn't go to the gym. Eating clean meant ordering one cheeseburger instead of two. I hear remarks, see comments written on social media and get snickers when I walk into certain conversations. Point being the feeling you get when you notice your hard work paying off it worth every second of it. 

Question three- "How do you stay dedicated?"
Especially with the last thing mention in question two, dedication is a tricky little devil. For me, most day it comes in waves. I am a textbook emotional eater. With small everyday stress, I would and still sometimes do eat junk. Yet, with heavy stress I don't eat at all. Both are equally terrible for you. So I do my very best to reprogram my mind into going about it a different way.This for That rule. I want a recces cup instead I will have some chocolate peanut butter jif with an apple. I still get my sweet fix without the senselessness of the candy.  If a trainer or even an IFBB pro wants to tell you they never fall, they are feeding you a complete load of BULL! Everyone falls, has a cheat meal, has a off weak. Life will happen, routines get broken, illness arises, little things will come up to knock you off your game. Best thing you can do is go get a good night sleep and start all over again tomorrow. 

Question four- "Where do I begin with exercising?"
Welp, for this answer I suppose you need to know what you want from your body. This is a really hard question. One I didn't quite know myself until recently. My idea of what I wanted was jumbled into a bipolar hot mess of main stream cosmo ideas. I have been asked point blank and answered all over the board. Until a couple weeks ago I was in the middle of a set and someone offered me some advice on a better approach. He followed with only if you want real tri's and not tiny toned ones. My off the top, no thinking about it response was... I don't care about having skinny arms. I want big girl arms! I care about being fit. I have zero desire to be skinny anymore.  I read a IG post about being toned not being actually possible. I believe it. Toned is not a NOUN it is a VERB!
So that is the level I am at now. I want to be a buff, bad @SS B****!
Now everyone in the fitness world as their own opinion on exercise vs weightless. Some will tell you hit the weights out the door and some will tell you not to at all. 
+Kelly Fuston  wrote a great blog about this that I agree 110% about.
If you get lost on exercise lane, my philosophy is Fake it till ya Make it! As long as you are doing something you are better than someone who is doing nothing. Get up and get your cardio on. Everyone knows how to walk, it is where most people start. If you don't have a treadmill than grab a kid, grab a dog, sit on a bike or take a hike (Channeling my inner Dr. Sueus there) any who get to moving.  There are many different types of cardio, find one that you hate the lease. I don't say enjoy because when I started I hated everything. Find a buddy or take a class. Power is in numbers. I
f someone is there to tell you good job and keep going when you want to give up success will come easier.

I could go on for hours on working out, lifting weights, and avoiding cardio(because I do avoid it because I hate it) I am always open to questions and comments feel free to PM me! 

Tomorrow is a great place to start
Happy Chasing

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