Sunday, March 30, 2014

Eat clean, Train EH?

One week down of cleaning up my diet. I had a few "dirty" moments this week but for the most part I did rather well. Wednesday was the biggest test of all. I work at an elementary school, which is the worlds largest cesspool of junk food you will ever see. This week brought on a birthday party, with chips and salsa and cupcakes from my favorite bakery. That is just the tip of the ice berg! You name it and it was probably in there. The last time we had one of these I dove straight into the sea of chocolate and rowed right up the river of denial. Denying that it was going to affect me at all!  This go round I managed to only slip into the wading pool aka some whole wheat crackers and cheese. I took fruit and pb to hopefully aid in my sweet tooth getting the best of me and it did!
I actually made it all week on regular ice tea. It's hasn't been too terrible either. My only other major slip was alcohol. I don't get out that often and I had a girls trip to the Thunder game. I stuck to vodka to keep the empty calories as low as possible. So while I woke up feeling like poo, I didn't have to hate myself at the same time. 

I don't think there is an easy way to just cold turkey into the perfect diet. Unless you have someone prepping and planning for you I think it is a giant trial and error ordeal. I now know while I ate clean all week I need to tweak my type of carbs and proteins. I was dead tired when it came to my workouts. This was also a week where my other half left out for a long hitch so my sleep patterns have been very sporadic. I am going to switch it up this week to see if it helps. 

 Which brings me to the topic of supplements! It's a edgy subject in the fit world. Some do and some don't and the in-between people like me get pulled on like a tug rope! I am posting a picture of my stack below. That being said, sometimes I use them all and sometimes I don't. I use a pre-workout when I know I don't have it in me to give my best. Remembering I am in surgical induced pre-menopause. Some days my body thinks it is 29 and some days it thinks it's 92! On the 92 days I need the umph! I have tried tons on the market. Some days I like the pump and some days I like the sweat. Just depends on what I am working and my mental/physical state that day. I take a vitapak almost everyday. My newest supplement is Amino support. I have done a lot of reading on amino's and the uber helpful guy at ASN in OKC recommended the MusclePharm Amino's. I also have protein for shakes. I mostly use them for days when my diet is lacking or an after workout recovery. Taste is at the top of my important list for protein. If it is nasty in taste, I can't force it down. Cinnamon Bun Combat Powder is FABULOUS! I also like the combat because it has casein in it, which is a slow release protein so it last in your system longer. I have tried just regular casein before bed and it all taste so horrible I spend the next two hours gagging instead of sleeping. So combat works great for my needs right now. 

I no longer use protein shake to replace meals but I have before don't get me wrong. It is about knowing what you want out of your goals. I am not in "weight loss mode" anymore. In fact it has almost been a month since I stepped on the scale (I have stepped on one, I just didn't look. I let the trainer look to figure my BMI & BF%) That has been tough. I had become so obsessed with the number that I lost site of the fact that my body shape is the goal not a number in a box. Below is my starting stats. Trying not to have a panic attack over those thigh measurements. EEK! Squatting does a body good right?

Happy Chasing Readers!

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