Monday, March 3, 2014

I am a Warrior..

I am taking advantage of a snow day to catch up on some blogging since I am behind a couple months! I added in a little soundtrack music to this blog! If your not a metal fan, you probably just want to read on instead of hitting play! 

So my last post of.. This is why I squat. 
Since I got a gym membership in October, I have been steadily gaining about 2 lbs a month so I am avoiding the scale because as I have mentioned in the past I am a junkie of the scale. Obsessed with the numbers on it. After having been on a weight loss journey for so long, I had told myself that becoming fit I would be ok as the scale went up. Dear GOD, was that a lie I told myself! When I hit 125 I have a complete meltdown, I avoided the weight rack for days doing nothing but cardio! So I am doing my very very best to avoid that stupid scale. I know my waist is not getting bigger, however putting my skinny jeans on is becoming a task as my thighs are getting bigger. I add that is BIGGER not THICKER! So until they rip out I just do the bend and snap to get them up :)
Here is my photo progress from January's challenge. I squatted almost every day that month whether it was sumo,kettle bell, bar, or dumbbell.
On to next topic! 
The most important. March marks Endometriosis awareness month.
  • Approximately 176 million women and girls worldwide suffer from endometriosis; 8.5 million in North America alone.
  • Associated costs of the disease are estimated to be a staggering $22 billion annually.
  • The average woman is 27 when she is first diagnosed with endometriosis.
  • Endometriosis is one of the top three causes of female infertility. While it is one of the most treatable, it remains the least treated. 
  • I tried not to add gooey ugly actual photo's because you get enough looking at my photos! I don't want to scare you off completely! To put it in simple terms those little spots turn into gum on a sidewalk on a hot day, it sticks to everything it comes in contact with. Every dot, every stick brings immense pain. Much like gum it's almost impossible to get it all off. Getting it cut out sometimes leads to massive regrowth!

It also marks 9 months since my hystorectomy due to my endometriosis complications. 99% of my blog is fitness/health related. I do try not to open the emotional pandora's box that is me too often. Being an endo suffer I have had to come to terms with things I never imagined I would have.  That's a pity party I am choosing not to have today. Because today I am an EndoWarrior! There are obviously major downsides to making the choice to have a hysterectomy but my quality of life has improved because of it. There are also bad days, downsides, and small regrets. But nothing I wouldn't do over again. My body had already waged a war against me that I had battled for years and I was losing. So I don't see it as waving the white flag, more along the lines of dropping a nuclear bomb. Here is my 9 month post op photo. Scars are mostly faded, earlier my Dr. had thought two were going to Keloid but my plastic surgeon tells me they are just being stubborn but will turn out ok in the end! I have gone from dragging myself to the gym 3 days a week to begging for it 5-6 days a week. It's my stress reliever, the one time a day I get to focus solely on me and me alone. I am an addict. If I have to be addicted to something, at least it is my health!

Onto what's next. I am looking for a new program. I completed 4 weeks of the #fitfreakproject and it wasn't doing it for me so I am searching for something else. I have also agreed to go clean the week after spring break. I am probably 80% clean eater. I ALWAYS stay in my calorie range for the day but I could stand to improve how I consume those calories. I also know there is too much stress in my life right now to even think of setting myself up for failure. I really should look for a custom program because I can't see paying money for an online training program created for "everyone" because I am definitely not "everyone".

Happy Reading..
Believe in yourself, if you can't no one else will either! 

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