Friday, July 18, 2014

August Resolutions!

-I will say this is a long one. I tried to address some of the questions I have been getting along with my blog topic at hand! 

If you are a mom, especially a SAHM with school age kids, then you know August resolutions are almost as popular as New Year's resolutions. If you don't have kids then you are reading this thinking this lady is batty! Why you may ask? 
Well summer break is over. The children are back in school and you have possibly more than 5 minutes a day to think about yourself. Instead of the crazy mecca of camps, vacations, sleepovers and pool parties! 
I started my "stop hating me" journey Brody's first day of kindergarten. He is going into the 3rd grade this year and I might be having a panic attack as I type that. I keep getting a lot of "I wish I had your dedication" comments lately. Well let me tell you it isn't always that way. I am human, just like you and I make mistakes and fall flat on my face. I am probably not someone you should put at the top of your people to imitate list. ha ha
The one thing I can tell you is that once I got the weight off, I knew I never wanted to go back to that feeling. It's not just the amazing feeling that overwhelms you when someone tells you how fabulous you look. It's when you pass your reflection in a mirror and you don't automatically look away. Now I am not saying stand there all damn day and have a love fest either! It's called being comfortable in your skin, once you reach it you would do anything to not give it up. Am I satisfied in my skin, absolutely NOT! That is what fuels my drive to achieve better. Not just in my appearance (yes I hear you calling me vain) but me as a person inside and out. To learn to judge less, uplift more!  Not just in other's but with myself also. As women most of the time we are our own worst enemies! Which sets us up for immediate failure. It is ok to pat yourself on the back. For all the victories large and small!
If you read past blogs I am pretty sure at least 10+ times I have said " I will never be in love with fitness, I will never be the girl who likes to work out" HA well guess who went and fell in love! It really is an addiction. It's a mood changer for me, I can be in the shittiest mood and go to the gym sweat it all out and leave it alone. I don't like the whole "strong is the new skinny" quote but getting strong and pushing your body to do things your mind says you can not do, and then 3 months later you can do it with no struggle. It's an endorphin high I am not giving up. Might as well find me a support group :)

  Do I think that everyone should work out like I do? 
No! Fitness is a very big word. There are vast amounts of ways to be healthy and fit. It comes in all shapes and sizes. I think everyone should test out the waters and see where you belong. 
If the number on your scale is what matters most, find a high cardio exercise. 
(Zumba,biking, running, machine cardio, spinning, swimming)
If transforming your body is what matters most, find some weights!(If you don't have a gym then look into home workout programs: Tapout, p90x, insanity, etc.)
Even if you choose to mix the two, if you are losing weight try out 30 minutes of cardio on top of a weight session. Women tend to freak the F out when we don't drop weight and are spending hours in the gym.

To my endo-sisters: Is working out post hysterectomy more difficult?
That's kind of tough to answer. I didn't to a whole lot of working out pre-hyster. It was super painful to do anything that strained my abdominal region. Some days the fatigue is harder to deal with. I artificially generate it on those days. It is much easier to push past now-a-days. If you are in the middle of a flare there is no pushing past anything but the heating pad and a bottle of Demerol! I DO NOT MISS THAT AT ALL!

What do you use for Supplements?
For me, if I don't keep it simple I will never follow through with it. Going into a supplement store can be overwhelming. The sales people will convince you into a ton of things that are probably going to do something for you other than damage the balance in your savings account. However, I want to keep it as simple as I can. I am a busy mom I don't have time to track pills and drinks 10 times a day!
My stack consist of a protein, pre-workout, amino options, and a multi-vitamin! I may dabble in this or that every now and then but this is what I stick to! Keep in mind this is what I use for MY goals right now. No weight loss! No "diet"
I like OPTI-WOMEN multivitamins they are not harsh to take and won't kill me if I don't eat right away after taking them.
I have to Proteins here: The Combat- is really Bryan's but I use it occasionally. I prefer the ISO it digest easier and let's face it, it's the best tasting powder I have EVER tried! I pretty much let my hubbs pick my protein and I decide on the flavor but if MGN American ISO in Apple Crumb Pie is ever in stock BUY IT PEOPLE!!
Amino aka BCAA's  I have several options for these depending on when I take them. The Musclepharm I usually drink while working out. The orange bottle has caffeine in it so I don't mix it with my pre-workout. I use it more in 2 a day's or an afternoon pick me up. The chews are for on the go times!
Saved the best for last. Pre-workout
Pictured is adrenHERlyn CUTS by Blackmarket Labs. Hands down the best I have ever tried in a pre-workout. It makes me sad when I cycle off it. I am so sensitive to stuff like this yet, somehow this product give you that WAHOO itchy wonderful pump without the side effects I get from others like it afterwards. I have even had some give me an anxiety attack. Not this when it's gone it's gone and no nasty habits left behind.

Do I think using a food program is cheating?
This is a loaded question! So I will do my best to answer it in MY OPINION!
I can't say I disagree with them, I used one to dynamically jump start my journey. That being said, let it be your guide to learn to do better. You can NOT quit it and go back to life as usual. There are more programs out there than I have fingers and toes. I won't tell you one is any better than the other. Find something you like, taste and financially! I had no problem at all adapting to a meal replacement plan, some people do. I used to to teach myself how to fit the proper calories into my day. I think of it as "the patch" it helped ween me off my smack (junk food) and when I didn't need it anymore I quit using it. I am not a cold turkey type of person. I know that about myself! Whatever you do, make sure you are eating enough. Seriously, nothing will halt your results like in-taking under 1,200 calories a day. If you are over 150lbs I suggest upping your minimum to the 1,350-1,450 range. Yes I know things like MFP isn't going to agree with that but I am speaking from personal experience here! 

Whether you're drinking a shake,calling Jenny, guzzling a pink drink or wrapping it up. Be prepared to take flack for it. Like I said fitness is a big word and it has lots of different approaches and opinions behind it. If it works for you and you like it and your not actually damaging your body beyond repair go for it. Also, be prepared that not everyone will want to do it with you. Don't hound people to be on your bandwagon, let them hitch a ride on free will!

So onto goal setting. 

  •  Set reasonable goals in a reasonable time span! My goals I am setting are about a 12 week range. 
  • Find a friend with similar goals to share with. I can promise this will make a difference in your results. It is also someone to keep going when you want to give up and vise versa.
  • Try to set personal goals along with physical ones. Inner you needs to be as beautiful as outer you!
  • Set up a reward system that does not involve food. To the person who taught me this, my shoe/workout clothes appreciate you. My checkbook not so much! Granted a double cheeseburger is a lot cheaper than new heels but you are not a dog, you do not need rewarded with a beggin strip!

I hope that answers some of the things I have been in-boxed. It seriously flatters and amazes me that people actually want my opinion on this stuff!
You all inspire me! Now I am off to put some serious thought into my goals. Make your self a road map of how you are going to hit it. If I wake up tomorrow and decide I am going to New York, never been there and I am not using GPS. It is going to take me twice as long! Don't take on becoming healthy without your GPS. It's 2014 use your computer and if that doesn't work chances are there is an APP for it!

What are your new goals?


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