Saturday, August 13, 2011

Dear Non-Believer

So my morning rant is brought to you by a facebook status that stated : " No we are not getting married, We don't need a piece of paper to validate our love for one another, Marriage is for fools"

First off- I am married and a wedding planner so obviously if I didn't believe in them I would be both divorced and unemployed!

Here is why I think your off, I am not saying your wrong just a little off. Long before marriage was a legal " piece of paper" situation, it was a Spiritual one. Yes somewhere along the line our ancestors screwed that one up by inventing the arranged marriage for greedy reasons. So if that is where your coming from I so get that. There are also a million reasons not to rush into marriage; timing-children-etc.. and I also understand that. It's the fools who blatantly state that the whole concept is a sham. I just really can't believe that. If you had that kind of love you would want to stand up in front of your God or Gods or Gurus or whoever it is you look up to and your family and friends and you would want the whole world to know that being with that person is exactly where you know at that point in time you were meant to be.
 I also think this is a common I have been through a divorce or badly broken statement. Which is a big load of "get over it" waiting to happen. Without risk there is no reward . So you fell flat on your face. Get up wipe the dust off and get back into life. Somewhere out there is someone, while they probably can't heal the broken parts of your heart completely, they can be the glue that puts you back together.

I guess what I am saying is find the love in life. Not the fake it until I believe it happy. (although that is better than bitter Bertha) but find something that puts the spark inside you to not a flicker but an all out raging wild fire. Eventually your spark with find it's match, probably when you stop looking for it. Then you'll know and you'll eat your words!

Final thought: Don't take for granted something so simple as a piece of paper cause they are people out there who would give the world to have one.

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