Friday, June 6, 2014

"Back" in Action!

It's been awhile since I spent a whole solid hour on a back workout. I put my insomnia to good use last night and did lots of workout research for what I think I need in a back work out. This was both a heavy & light weight workout. I will go in depth on each workout below. I am also adding a picture for quick reference if you want to give it a try and you don't want to read through the boring description below. Again like my last workout. Superset what you can. I wasn't able to my whole workout due to someone hell bent on being in my way today. My biggest gym aggravation, a whole empty gym and you choose to be all in my way. Yes I get selfish with my time! 
Warm Up: 5 minutes Cardio of Choice- Today I chose Incline Tredmill (Speed 2.9/incline 15)

One Arm Dumbell Row- Do these off the bench. I grab the heaviest dumbell I can handle. Since I use heavy weight here in lower my reps to 8 but up to 4 sets. 
Bentover Row Palms In- I use heavy weight on this too, probably the same as I have done on the one before. I focus a lot on form here. Making sure my weight is light enough that I can keep proper form. I do these reps slowly also. I tend to swing too much if I go fast.

I Inclined the bench at a 45 (if you haven't done these before look up a how to video on youtube or I had two sets of weight for this super set. I used the higher on the row and the lower on the fly.
Incline Dumbell Rows- Lean chest first into your bench. I am a shorty so I an usually on the toes or balls of my feet so I don't crush the tatas (PS SOMEONE MAKE A BOOB FRIENDLY BENCH) Palms in pull up. It should look like this:
The Incline Reverse Fly- I have to drop weight for this one. I try to up my reps to make up for that. I am adding a picture for better description!

Lat Pulldowns are pretty self explanatory, I use a bar, heaviest weight I can pull for sets of 10-12. Don't rest between the wide and close grip. Take 60-90 seconds to catch your breath and go right back at it!
Dumbell Pullovers- I pick a medium range in my weight be careful not to go to the point of pulling in your chest. Some times I pull my feet up so I am more likely to not pull wrong. Always drop weight if you can't do it. There ain't a dang thing wrong with using the tiny weights! 
Seated Rows- Probably one of my favorite things to do. I can usually start at 60 and do my next two or three sets at 75. 
Face pulls- this was a first time for me to ever to these. I did a couple extra sets just to figure them out. Put the pully about eye height and attach a rope. Pull with both hands to the top of your should/trap area. OUCHIE!!
Rope Pulldowns- So NOT a bad workout but I needed something to chill out with for a second! My triceps also need all the help they can get.
IYT- I used 7.5's & 5's for this because by this point I am freaking exhausted. Repeat the I-Y-T 5 times rest and go for 2 more rounds!
The Cooldown! Finally that was an Uber lengthy workout. 
Dips till Failure. I use a dumbell to elevate my feel so I am not tempted to use them :)
Up down Planks-Pretty simple..Palms down plank for 10 seconds then full plank for 10 until you are spent. 

Happy Chasing

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